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芬兰QS大学排名 芬兰大学QS世界排行榜 芬兰大学QS排行榜

作者:   来源:  热度:1256  时间:2023-08-22
 芬兰QS大学排名     芬兰大学QS世界排行榜         芬兰大学QS排行榜

 芬兰QS大学排名     芬兰大学QS世界排行榜         芬兰大学QS排行榜

1. Aalto University: Aalto University is a multidisciplinary university located in Helsinki, Finland. It focuses on science, technology, business, and arts. It has a strong reputation for innovation and entrepreneurship.
2. University of Helsinki: The University of Helsinki is the oldest and largest university in Finland. It offers a wide range of academic programs across various disciplines and is known for its research excellence.
3. University of Turku: The University of Turku is a multidisciplinary university located in Turku, Finland. It offers a broad range of programs in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and technology.
4. Tampere University: Tampere University is a merger of the University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology. It is located in Tampere, Finland, and offers a wide range of programs in various fields.
5. Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT): LUT is a university located in Lappeenranta and Lahti, Finland. It focuses on technology and business and is known for its expertise in sustainable energy solutions.
6. University of Oulu: The University of Oulu is located in Oulu, Finland, and is known for its strong research in technology, natural sciences, and health sciences.
7. Åbo Akademi University: Åbo Akademi University is a Swedish-language university located in Turku, Finland. It offers programs in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and technology.




