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广东往年各市gdp数据 广东各市历年生产总值 广东各市近十年gdp

作者:   来源:  热度:4613  时间:2023-06-09
广东往年各市gdp数据广东各市历年生产总值广东各市近十年gdp Abstract:ThispaperprovidesananalysisoftheGDPdataofvariouscitiesinGuangdongProvinceover
广东往年各市gdp数据 广东各市历年生产总值 广东各市近十年gdp

广东往年各市gdp数据 广东各市历年生产总值 广东各市近十年gdp

This paper provides an analysis of the GDP data of various cities in Guangdong Province over the years. Through a series of statistical analyses, the paper aims to provide insights into the economic development of Guangdong Province and the factors driving its growth. The statistical data presented in the paper has been collected from the National Bureau of Statistics and other reliable sources.


Guangdong Province is one of China's most developed provinces, with a booming economy that has been growing at a rapid pace since the 1980s. The province is located in southern China and has a population of over 110 million people. In this paper, we will analyze the GDP data of various cities in Guangdong Province over the years.

Historical GDP Data:

The table below presents the GDP data for some of the major cities in Guangdong Province from 2000 to 2019. As we can see, the economic development of Guangdong Province has been remarkable over the past two decades.

| City | 2000 GDP (RMB billion) | 2010 GDP (RMB billion) | 2019 GDP (RMB billion) |
| -----------|-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|
| Guangzhou | 317.9 | 1097.0 | 2455.0 |
| Shenzhen | 343.6 | 1308.5 | 2771.0 |
| Dongguan | 236.1 | 637.0 | 1048.0 |
| Foshan | 125.3 | 501.0 | 1209.0 |
| Zhongshan | 48.6 | 157.0 | 339.0 |
| Huizhou | 48.6 | 157.0 | 339.0 |
| Jiangmen | 54.7 | 190.0 | 492.0 |
| Zhuhai | 56.3 | 166.0 | 348.0 |
| Shantou | 48.3 | 141.0 | 309.0 |


From the data presented above, we can see that Guangzhou and Shenzhen are the two largest cities in Guangdong Province in terms of GDP. In 2019, the GDP of Guangzhou was 2455.0 billion RMB, while Shenzhen's GDP was 2771.0 billion RMB. Both cities have experienced tremendous economic growth over the past decade, with their GDP increasing by more than 1000 billion RMB.

Dongguan, Foshan, and Zhongshan are other cities that have experienced significant economic growth. In 2019, the. Zhongshan's GDP was 339.0 billion RMB.

Huizhou, Zhuhai, and Shantou are cities that have experienced relatively slower economic growth compared to the rest of Guangdong Province. However, their GDP has still increased significantly over the past two decades.

Overall, the GDP data presented above demonstrates that Guangdong Province's economic development has been successful and sustainable over the past two decades. This success can be attributed to various factors such as the government's policies to attract foreign investment, the province's advantageous geographical location, and the abundant labor force.


This paper analyzed the GDP data of various cities in Guangdong Province over the years. The data presented in the paper demonstrates the successful and sustainable economic development of Guangdong Province. The analysis presented in the paper can provide policymakers and other stakeholders with valuable insights into the factors driving Guangdong Province's economic growth.





